I have 4 text boxes and I need to fill with auto complete. I have created the jsfiddle but not able to get it run as I am submitting to the server to get the data. When i click add button I am able to add to only first line of input boxes but never be able to add to others such as 2, 3 and 4. Could someone take a look? Thanks!
$('[name=addAgent]').bind('click', function() {
var agent = $('[name=selectAgent]').val();
var agentID =$("#AgentID").val();
if(agent == ""){
title:"Agent Name",
content:"Please search for an agent to Add!"
return false;
if($('#container').find('text').length < 4) {
$( '[name=selectAgent]' ).val('');
title:"Agent Name",
content:"You cannot add more than 4 Agents!"