txt <- readLines(textConnection(" Ry1_Ch_1_2013-8-23_21-56-49.txt
100.00 9918.21
36.89 7247.92
21.50 11825.56
100.00 6103.52
97.81 7247.92
79.96 9536.74
78.73 3433.23
29.11 1144.41
28.85 12207.03
26.13 12969.97
24.75 50000000.00
16.26 34332.28
100.00 10299.68
40.35 4577.64
26.50 3433.23
15.27 6484.99"))
将排除少于 7 个字符的行,并使用grepl
“.txt”匹配来标记“节”的开头。'section' 变量只是这些命中的总和,因此出现 '.txt' 之间的行都将具有相同的节号。同一“节”组内的 read.table:
section <- cumsum( grepl("txt", txt[nchar(txt)>7]) )
lapply( split(txt[nchar(txt)>7] , section),
function(t) read.table(text=t, skip=1) )
V1 V2
1 100.00 9918.21
2 36.89 7247.92
3 21.50 11825.56
V1 V2
1 100.00 6103.52
2 97.81 7247.92
3 79.96 9536.74
4 78.73 3433.23
5 29.11 1144.41
6 28.85 12207.03
7 26.13 12969.97
8 24.75 50000000.00
9 16.26 34332.28
V1 V2
1 100.00 10299.68
2 40.35 4577.64
3 26.50 3433.23
4 15.27 6484.99
readList <- .Last.value
names(readList) <- txt[ grepl(".txt", txt) ]
> str(readList)
List of 3
$ Ry1_Ch_1_2013-8-23_21-56-49.txt :'data.frame': 3 obs. of 2 variables:
..$ V1: num [1:3] 100 36.9 21.5
..$ V2: num [1:3] 9918 7248 11826
$ Ry2_Ch_2_2013-8-23_21-56-49.txt:'data.frame': 9 obs. of 2 variables:
..$ V1: num [1:9] 100 97.8 80 78.7 29.1 ...
..$ V2: num [1:9] 6104 7248 9537 3433 1144 ...
$ Ry28_Ch_1_2013-8-23_22-0-11.txt:'data.frame': 4 obs. of 2 variables:
..$ V1: num [1:4] 100 40.4 26.5 15.3
..$ V2: num [1:4] 10300 4578 3433 6485