Warning: code dump imminent.
Hello all. I am working with Angular's JQM library. I am trying to create an attribute that will set the default position(on or off) for the JQM-flip directive. I added an attribute called defaultValue to the directive's scope and assigned a value to it in the link function like so:
scope.defaultValue = angular.isDefined(attr.defaultValue) ? scope.defaultValue : 1;
This didn't work, so I'm assuming there needs to be a function which takes the value and changes the look and value for the toggle switch. Though I'm not sure how to define such a function within this directive...any help is greatly appreciated.
jqmModule.directive('jqmFlip', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
transclude: true,
replace: true,
templateUrl: 'templates/jqmFlip.html',
scope: {
onLabel: '@',
onValue: '@',
offLabel: '@',
offValue: '@',
mini: '@',
disabled: '@',
defaultValue: '@'
require: ['?ngModel', '^?jqmControlgroup'],
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0];
var jqmControlGroupCtrl = ctrls[1];
var parsedOn;
var parsedOff;
scope.theme = scope.$theme || 'c';
scope.isMini = isMini;
scope.onValue = angular.isDefined(attr.onValue) ? scope.onValue : true;
scope.offValue = angular.isDefined(attr.offValue) ? scope.offValue : false;
scope.defaultValue = angular.isDefined(attr.defaultValue) ? scope.defaultValue : 1;
function initToggleState () {
parsedOn = parseBoolean(scope.onValue);
parsedOff = parseBoolean(scope.offValue);
ngModelCtrl.$render = updateToggleStyle;
function updateToggleStyle () {
var toggled = isToggled();
scope.toggleLabel = toggled ? scope.onLabel : scope.offLabel;
scope.onStyle = toggled ? 100 : 0;
scope.offStyle = toggled ? 0 : 100;
// this has to be done in the change listener,
// otherwise the potential scope value would be overwritten with the off value
function updateNaNAsOffValue () {
if (!ngModelCtrl.$viewValue) {
function bindClick () {
scope.toggle = function () {
ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(isToggled() ? parsedOff : parsedOn);
function isToggled () {
return ngModelCtrl.$viewValue === parsedOn;
function isMini() {
return scope.mini || (jqmControlGroupCtrl && jqmControlGroupCtrl.$scope.mini);
function parseBoolean(value) {
if (value === 'true') {
return true;
} else if (value === 'false') {
return false;
return value;
angular.module("templates/jqmFlip.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<div jqm-scope-as=\"jqmFlip\">\n" +
" <label class=\"ui-slider\" ng-transclude></label>\n" +
" <div class=\"ui-slider ui-slider-switch ui-btn-down-{{$scopeAs.jqmFlip.theme}} ui-btn-corner-all\"\n" +
" jqm-class=\"{'ui-disabled': $scopeAs.jqmFlip.disabled,\n" +
" 'ui-mini': $scopeAs.jqmFlip.isMini()}\"\n" +
" ng-click=\"$scopeAs.jqmFlip.toggle()\">\n" +
" <span class=\"ui-slider-label ui-slider-label-a ui-btn-active ui-btn-corner-all\" ng-style=\"{width: $scopeAs.jqmFlip.onStyle + '%'}\">{{$scopeAs.jqmFlip.onLabel}}</span>\n" +
" <span class=\"ui-slider-label ui-slider-label-b ui-btn-down-{{$scopeAs.jqmFlip.theme}} ui-btn-corner-all\" ng-style=\"{width: $scopeAs.jqmFlip.offStyle + '%'}\">{{$scopeAs.jqmFlip.offLabel}}</span>\n" +
" <div class=\"ui-slider-inneroffset\">\n" +
" <a class=\"ui-slider-handle ui-slider-handle-snapping ui-btn ui-btn-corner-all ui-btn-up-{{$scopeAs.jqmFlip.theme}} ui-shadow\"\n" +
" title=\"{{$scopeAs.jqmFlip.toggleLabel}}\"\n" +
" ng-style=\"{left: $scopeAs.jqmFlip.onStyle + '%'}\">\n" +
" <span class=\"ui-btn-inner\"><span class=\"ui-btn-text\"></span></span>\n" +
" </a>\n" +
" </div>\n" +
" </div>\n" +
"</div>\n" +