So today I stumped with an interesting problem: whenever I change the content of a C# web control (ascx) it doesn't display the new content until I recreate the entire website in IIS again. Even if I delete my .ascx file it doesn't matter. This has never happened to me before.

My goal is: to see the new .ascx content as soon as I change it.

Here's what I've tried :

  • Changing a line of the web.config
  • Restarting iis with iisreset.
  • Deleting temporary asp.net files
  • Restarting the application pool
  • Turning precompilation OFF
  • Placing this lines on the .cs's Page_Load event of the ascx:

I'm assuming that there's a simple way to delete this cache of the .ascx files?

Thanks a lot!


1 回答 1


出于某种原因,删除 .bin 并重新部署该文件。

于 2013-10-08T19:45:29.427 回答