I am trying to run an app for debugging using the android SDK in eclipse for the Motorola MC40 device but the device will not show up in the android device chooser when I run the app with the device connected. I have successfully ran the app on a samsung galaxy 7.

I have followed the instructions for setting up a device for debugging on the android website: http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html. and I entered the correct vendor id for Motorola. However, the device will still not show up when I try to run the app. Please help.


2 回答 2



对于遇到相同问题的任何人:摩托罗拉 MC40 的问题是供应商 ID 号与摩托罗拉供应商 ID 号 (22b8) 不同。MC40 供应商 ID 为“05e0”。这就是问题的根源。因此,当按照此处的说明进行操作时,请确保输入之前提到的 ID。此外,您不仅必须以这种格式将 id 添加到“51-android.rules”文件中(“SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="05e0", MODE="0666", OWNER= “[user_name]”),但您还必须将 ID 的 HEX 版本(0x5e0)添加到 .android 目录中的“adb_usb.ini”文件:~/.android/。

于 2013-09-06T18:45:12.660 回答

此处为摩托罗拉/Symbol Android 设备的官方 Android USB Windows 安装程序供参考:


于 2015-04-07T15:22:46.687 回答