所需的工作流程:将文件拖动到 RenameMe 液滴,如果按住命令键,则将重命名的文件传递给 PrintMe 液滴。
在 checkModifierKeys 脚本的帮助下(对不起,手边没有引用),我可以检查是否按下了命令键,以便处理脚本的一部分。问题是如何从第一个液滴触发第二个液滴。我尝试使用第二个 droplet 作为应用程序打开文件(如下面的代码所示),但出现通信错误。
on open the_Droppings
set flPth to POSIX path of (path to me) & "Contents/MacOS/checkModifierKeys"
set cmdPressed to (do shell script (quoted form of flPth & " command")) as integer as boolean
repeat with i from 1 to (count of items in the_Droppings)
set file_name to "NEW NAME FROM SCRIPT" #actual script that generates name isn't relevant
tell application "Finder"
set name of file (item i of the_Droppings) to file_name
end tell
if cmdPressed is true then
#pass the file to the PrintMe droplet
tell application "PrintMe"
open (item i of the_Droppings)
end tell
end if
end repeat
end open