我有这个 html
<div class="multiple">
<li>Ordered List Style</li>
<li>Here’s another, they shouldn’t be too terribly long, but might wrap a line or three
<li>Let’s talk about the benefits of this here product!</li>
<li>More feature talk! This thing is super useful, you should totally buy it!</li>
<li>Ordered List Style</li>
<li>Here’s another, they shouldn’t be too terribly long, but might wrap a line</li>
<li>Let’s talk about the benefits of this here product!</li>
和下面的 css,我似乎无法针对 ol li ol li 下面的任何内容,我的 ol li ol li 样式适用于它下面的所有嵌套列表。下面显示的最后一条规则永远不会被应用
ol li { list-style-type: upper-roman; }
ol li ol li { list-style-type: upper-alpha; }
ol li ol li ol li { list-style-type: decimal; }