我有一个 mapView,我在其中显示了一个位置(由自定义图钉表示),如屏幕截图所示
如何移动 mapView 以使图标完全可见?
要实现这一点,您首先需要计算要滚动的屏幕视图上的点(在您的情况下,假设它到注释标记的 20 像素),然后您需要将此点转换为地图位置,以便您可以移动地图中心到那个位置;-)。以下是在MKMapView 委托方法中用Swift编写的代码,其中注释被点击。
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
let pinLocation = view.annotation.coordinate
let currentCoordinates = mapView.centerCoordinate // Temporary saved map current center position
// Temp set map center position to pin location
mapView.centerCoordinate = pinLocation
let viewCenter = self.view.center
let fakecenter = CGPoint(x: viewCenter.x, y: viewCenter.y - 20) // point just up to the center point
// convert calculetd point to map location co-ordinates
let coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D = mapView.convert(fakecenter, toCoordinateFrom: self.view)
// reset to previous potion so thet animation start from that
mapView.centerCoordinate = currentCoordinates
self.mapView.setCenter(coordinate, animated: true) // change the new center