I have created Exe file for my app using NSIS script.In my script i have checked free space for selected directory.
1.If selected directory dont have required space then user wants to change the directory.
2.After changing directory in directory page again wants to check free space.so when the required space is available for the selected directory then only proceed to next page. So it will come under looping statement.I have tried following script
page custom checking
Function checking
Push "\"
push $InstallDir
Call SplitFirstStrPart
pop $R0
${DriveSpace} $R0 "/D=F /S=G" $R0
${While} $R0 <= 2
MessageBox MB_OK "Expected free space is not availble"
call directory
Function directory
--Here i want to define directory page--
[page directory] we cant use this here
call checking
1.How to create user defined directory page?