我正在尝试通过 Python 的 MySQLdb 库将数据从 Pandas(从 CSV 导入)传递到 MySQL 数据库。当文字反斜杠起作用时,我遇到了麻烦。我从原始输入中转义了单个反斜杠,因此 Python 知道它们是文字反斜杠,而不是后续字符的转义。但是当我尝试执行 INSERT 查询时,MySQLdb 说存在语法错误。但这是令人困惑和令人沮丧的部分:如果我将确切的字符串复制/粘贴到 MySQL 中,它可以毫无问题地执行。
我试图使数据和结构尽可能接近实际数据,但为了保留隐私而对其进行了更改。请注意,在第一行的 SourceSystemID 列的末尾和第二行的 MiddleInitial 列的末尾有两个类似的违规值。
In [39]: test
ehrSystemID SourceSystemID LastName FirstName MiddleInitial Sex
0 fakePlace ABC\ NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 fakePlace XYZ Smith John \ M
npi deaNumber LicenseNumber ProvSpecialty dob
0 1234567890 AB1234567 !123456 Internal NaN
1 NaN NaN B123456 Internal NaN
这些行的值转换为字符串以附加到 INSERT 语句的末尾(请注意,所有 MySQL 列都将是 varchar,因此所有值都包含在单引号中)
In [40]: testVals
Out[40]: "('fakePlace', 'ABC\\', '', '', '', '', '1234567890', 'AB1234567', '!123456', 'Internal', ''), ('fakePlace', 'XYZ', 'Smith', 'John', '\\', 'M', '', '', 'B123456', 'Internal', '')"
我传递给 MySQLdb 的命令和产生的错误:
In [41]: testCmd1
Out[41]: "INSERT INTO source_providers (ehrSourceID, sourceSystemID, nameLast, nameFirst, nameMiddle, sex, npiRaw, dea, licenseNumber, specialty1, dobRaw) VALUES ('fakePlace', 'ABC\\', '', '', '', '', '1234567890', 'AB1234567', '!123456', 'Internal', ''), ('fakePlace', 'XYZ', 'Smith', 'John', '\\', 'M', '', '', 'B123456', 'Internal', '')"
In [42]: db.Cur.execute(testCmd1)
ProgrammingError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-42-32fe62e740d8> in <module>()
----> 1 db.Cur.execute(testCmd1)
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.4b4-py2.7-macosx-10.8-intel.egg/MySQLdb/cursors.pyc in execute(self, query, args)
200 del tb
201 self.messages.append((exc, value))
--> 202 self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
203 self._executed = query
204 if not self._defer_warnings: self._warning_check()
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.4b4-py2.7-macosx-10.8-intel.egg/MySQLdb/connections.pyc in defaulterrorhandler(***failed resolving arguments***)
34 del cursor
35 del connection
---> 36 raise errorclass, errorvalue
38 re_numeric_part = re.compile(r"^(\d+)")
ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1234567890', 'AB1234567', '!123456', 'Internal', ''), ('fakePlace', 'XYZ', 'Smit' at line 1")
直接在 MySQL 中成功执行确切的命令:
mysql> INSERT INTO source_providers (ehrSourceID, sourceSystemID, nameLast, nameFirst, nameMiddle, sex, npiRaw, dea, licenseNumber, specialty1, dobRaw) VALUES ('fakePlace', 'ABC\\', '', '', '', '', '1234567890', 'AB1234567', '!123456', 'Internal', ''), ('fakePlace', 'XYZ', 'Smith', 'John', '\\', 'M', '', '', 'B123456', 'Internal', '');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
将字符串传递给 MySQL API 时会发生什么事情吗?如何避免过滤掉有问题的行并单独手动插入它们?这涉及数万行,因此我专注于自动化流程。