我正在使用 grails 2.2.2,并且创建了一个具有唯一字符串属性的域类:
class Myclass {
String dscr // my String attibute
static constraints = {
dscr unique: true // the code to set it unique
然后我运行 grails 控制台命令来测试这个简单的类,使用以下代码和 loggingSql = true 来查看结果查询:
def a = new Myclass([dscr:'dscr1'])
Hibernate: select this_.id as id0_0_, this_.version as version0_0_, this_.dscr as dscr0_0_ from myclass this_ where this_.dscr=?
Hibernate: select this_.id as id0_0_, this_.version as version0_0_, this_.dscr as dscr0_0_ from myclass this_ where this_.dscr=?
Hibernate: insert into myclass (version, dscr) values (?, ?)