as subject,

I want to track Android App install, but I want to track any install and not just from mobile Ads. My question, is it possible?

One particular question is: If I run the development version of my app that in theory, is integrated with Facebook SDK, straight from IDE into an emulator, will I see it reflected in "Last Mobile Install" stats in my dashboard? Because apparently, it didn't. If it's not, is there any way to do this in a debug environment in order to confirm whether I'm using Facebook SDK correctly or not?

For reference, I'm calling this line in my onResume() method:

    com.facebook.AppEventsLogger.activateApp(this, getString(R.string.facebook_application_id);


Update: So it's probably not a proper question. I concluded that Facebook recorded mobile installs from Android app based on its attributionId. If this value is null, such as if there's no Facebook app or it's not logged in, the mobile installs is simply not recorded. I think.


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