I'm trying to have a view grouping a google map with more than 5000 markers and the listing of the node. The listing has to be paginate (around 50 results per page) but the google map has to show all the markers. Exposed filters can be used to filter both the map and the listing.

I've managed it using Views and GetLocations, but I've a huge problem : the page takes minutes to load and crash in IE (8,9,..). I've tried using MarkerCluster but no change..

Any ideas ?



1 回答 1


如果您从 Drupal 中提取数据并尝试首先使用纯 HTML 和 JS 为 Google Maps API 执行此操作,浏览器是否需要很长时间才能加载并且仍然崩溃?我认为这不是前端问题,而是与您要提取的记录数量相关的后端问题。

我的猜测是您的视图没有被缓存。视图非常密集,因为它们是受损的 SQL 查询。https://drupal.org/project/views_content_cache http://www.millwoodonline.co.uk/blog/drupal-7-performance-gains-with-views-cache

于 2013-08-29T12:19:51.117 回答