The approach for Clear Case 7.1.X doesn't work for many cases, for instance on a simple CHECKOUT operation or just launch the rcleartool CLI.
That's because the server/login options should come before the others parameters. For instance:
rcleartool co -server XXX -login me -password 1234 fileToCheckOut.txt
So what I suggest is to improve a bit the correction mentioned above to separate the first input parameter given to the batch, representing the Clear Case command, from the rest, the parameters for the given command.
So it looks more or less like this in batch :
set LOGIN=-server XXX -login me -password 1234
set CMD=%1
if [%1]==[] goto after_loop
goto loop1
"%_JAVACMD%" -Djava.util.logging.config.file="%CCRCCLI%/" -cp "%CM_API_DIR%\stpwvcm.jar";"%CM_API_DIR%\stpcmmn.jar";"%CM_API_DIR%\stpcc.jar";"%CM_API_DIR%\remote_core.jar";"%CM_API_DIR%\commons-httpclient-3.0.jar";"%CM_API_DIR%\commons-codec-1.3.jar";"%CCRCCLI%\commons-cli-1.1.jar";"%CM_API_DIR%\icu4j-3_8.jar";"%CM_API_DIR%\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar";"%CCRCCLI%\rcleartool.jar" %CMD% %LOGIN% %PARAMS%
Ugly as the devil himself, but it works for most cases.
You can perform simple tasks like you could before, plus Check-outs/ins and similiar.
What you CAN'T do still is to launch the rcleartool CLI and use the help command.
It requests me a password, and even if I enter, it fails.
edit: comparison on shift snipet was failing when receiving parameters with quotes and spaces in it.