I found sencha touch interesting andafter trying a default app in web, wanted to do some app for mobile devices. I was trying to wrap sencha touch with phonegap in eclipse for android by following the steps as mentioned in (this link) http://bgmemo.com/tutorial-sencha-touch-and-phonegap/. But as soon as i launch emulator a white screen with name android appears and within seconds i get error as "The Requested file was not found./android_asset/www/index.html(no such file directory) (file:///android_asset//www//index.html)". I am not getting errors in console. Any solutions plz?

1)I have already tried (this)http://www.robertkehoe.com/2013/01/fix-for-phonegap-connection-to-server-was-unsuccessful/


1 回答 1


整个 Sencha touch 项目应该在 www 文件夹中。然后将启动应用程序。您可以编写脚本来编译您的 sencha touch 项目,然后将项目内容复制到 www。


于 2014-01-23T10:21:43.217 回答