I create the data and return it OK but for five hours I have been trying to decode it. I have tried every example I could find but each time come up with a different error. I have tried datatype "json" and "text json" also adding json to the call (I read somewhere that auto decoded it) The data being returned is fine but I need to extract it into separate variables. I found some jscript code to generate the array on the server but that failed too.
function getadvertxml(idprodxxx, offset, idwho) {
url: 'xml_getadverts.php',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
"idprodxxx": idprodxxx,
"offset": offset,
"idwho": idwho,
type: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
// data = JSON_decode(data,true);
data = JSON.parse(data);
// $('#content_sidebar').html(data[5]);
<CREATE DATA works OK checked on the console log>.......
if ($video1) {
} else {
$arr[2]="../../videos/default." . $ext;
$arr[4]="Not found";
echo ("$arr");
This particular version's error is "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data"
but I think I must have generated almost every JSON error there is with my attempts to get this working. Please help as I am starting to tear out my white hair.
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
if ($session->is_logged_in()) {
include '../../includes/load3who.php';
$reports = NULL;
$groupdesc= substr($cat,0,strrpos($cat, $find));
$catdesc= " " . substr($cat,strrpos($cat, $find) + 3);
$virgin = true;
$synopis = "";
$pageination = new Pageination($page, $perpage);
$reports = Report_as::find_reports($idworldview,$idprodxxx,$perpage,$offset);
unset($reports[$perpage]); //remove extra row - retrieved to see if EOF
foreach($reports as $rp) {
if ($virgin) {
$HTML5.='<table class="reporttable" border="1" width=100%>';
$HTML5.= '<tr>';
$HTML5.= "<th align=center>{$catdesc}</th>";
$HTML5.= '<th align=center>Visit Website</th>';
$HTML5.= '</tr>';
$virgin = false;
} else {
$HTML5.= "</td>";
$HTML5.= "</tr>";
$HTML5.= "<tr height=60px; max-height=60px; vertical-align=top>";
$HTML5.= "<td align=top width= 70%>";
$cust_rp = Report_as::find_cust_reports($rp->idprodcgs, $rp->idwho_cust);
if (!$cust_rp) {
$cust_rp = Report_as::find_cust_fallback($rp->idwho_cust);
$custurl = '<a href="' . $rp->urlcust . '"target="_blank">' . $rp->custdesc . '</a>';
$HTML5.= '<a href="javascript:changesrc(\''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$rp->urlvideo).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$cust_rp[0]->urlcustvideo).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$cust_rp[0]->custdesc).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$cust_rp[0]->urlcust) . '\')">' . $rp->synopsis . '</a>';
$HTML5.= "</td>";
$HTML5.= "<td>";
$HTML5.= '<a href="' . $rp->urlwho . ' "target="_blank">' . $rp->mydesc .'</a>';
if($levela == 'x') {
$idprodxxx = $rp->idprodcgs;
$whoproducturl = Report_as::find_whoproducturl($rp->idwho, $idprodxxx);
if ($whoproducturl) {
foreach($whoproducturl as $wp) {
$HTML5.= '<br><a href="' . $wp->urlprod . ' "target="_blank">' . $wp->urldesc .'</a>';
$HTML5.='<a href="javascript:emailme(\''.
str_replace("'", "\\'", $user_id).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'", $idprodxxx) . '\')">' . 'Email me' . '</a> when new reports are added to this category</center></strong></small>';
$HTML5.="<input type='button' name='back' style='float:left' value=' « Menu 'onclick='location.href=\"index.php\"'/>";
$nextdisable=" disabled ";
$prevdisable=" disabled ";
$next1=" No more ";
$prev1=" No more ";
$nextdisable=" ";
$next1=" ⇓ Next ⇓ ";
if($pageination->iseof()) {
$nextdisable=" disabled ";
$next1=" Finished ";
$HTML5.="<input{$nextdisable}id=\"nbutton\" type=\"button\" name=\"next\" style= \"float:right\" value=\"{$next1}\" onclick=\"getreports('".
str_replace("'", "\\'",$idworldview).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$idprodxxx).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$cat).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$levela).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$perpage).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$offset).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$page).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$idwho).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$playerxy).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$ext).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$idworld).'\'' . ")\"/>";
if($pageination->haspreviouspage()) {
$prevdisable=" ";
$prev1=" ⇑ Back ⇑ ";
$page= $holdpage-1;
$HTML5.="<input{$prevdisable}type=\"button\" name=\"next\" style= \"float:right\" value=\"{$prev1}\" onclick=\"getreports('".
str_replace("'", "\\'",$idworldview).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$idprodxxx).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$cat).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$levela).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$perpage).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$offset).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$page).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$idwho).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$playerxy).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$ext).'\', \''.
str_replace("'", "\\'",$idworld).'\'' . ")\"/>";
$ix = -1;
$kazvideo1 = p4::find_kazand(1,'ogv',41); // 1=top video
if (!$kazvideo1) {
$ixpos = rand(0,count($kazvideo1)-1);
} else {
$arr[2]="../../videos/default." . $ext;
$arr[4]="Not found";
die ("$arr");