How to hide x-axis (xlim?) in lattice xyplot?
Normally with plot that would be:
hist(rnorm(10,0,2), axes=F)
And also global solution would be great, since I have quite few plots. I'm using the gridExtra package:
grid.arrange(plot1,plot2,plot3, ncol=3)
This for instance allows to hide xlab, ylab, main.
pl = list(plot1,plot2,plot3), lapply(pl, update, xlab="", ylab="", main=""))
Sample data just in case:
Data <- data.frame(x=rnorm(10,2,2),y=rnorm(10,3,3),z=rexp(10,2))
plot1 <- xyplot(x~y, Data, xlab="name", ylab="name", main="title")
plot2 <- xyplot(z~y, Data, xlab="name", ylab="name", main="title")
plot3 <- xyplot(z~x, Data, xlab="name", ylab="name", main="title")
Hiding globally can be also shown on print()
on the above or else all this helps.