我正在尝试设置这个动画 div,以便它在屏幕上滚动一次然后停止,除非重新加载页面。

   // JavaScript Document

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    fps: 20, 
    no_of_frames: 24, 
    on_first_frame: function(obj) {
        obj.spState(1); // change to state 1 (first row) on frame 1
    on_last_frame: function(obj) {
        obj.spStop(); // stop the animation on the last frame
    on_frame: { // note - on_frame is an object not a function
        19: function(obj) { // called on frame 19
            obj.spState(2); // change to state 2 (row 2) on frame 19
        16: function(obj) { // called on frame 16
            obj.spState(3); // change to state 3 (row 3) on frame 16

    fps: 20, 
    no_of_frames: 24, 
    on_first_frame: function(obj) {
        obj.spState(1); // change to state 1 (first row) on frame 1
    on_last_frame: function(obj) {
        obj.spStop(); // stop the animation on the last frame
    on_frame: { // note - on_frame is an object not a function
        19: function(obj) { // called on frame 19
            obj.spState(2); // change to state 2 (row 2) on frame 19
        16: function(obj) { // called on frame 16
            obj.spState(3); // change to state 3 (row 3) on frame 16


JSFIDDLE:http: //jsfiddle.net/PzBmb/2/

我正在使用的插件是精灵 - 此版本的文档指出您可以通过使用对动画应该停止的帧的引用来设置 obj.stop。obj 是#far-cloud。它是 .pan(平移)在屏幕上作为由插件脚本处理的动画功能。然后我调用函数在第 19 帧停止。它根本不起作用。它继续循环。我似乎找不到原因。除了使用常规的 Jquery 回调来停止它。我确定我还能做什么。



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