Assume your vectors are in a cell array A
A = {[1 2 3], [1 2 3 4], [1 2 3 4 5]};
You can get the size of each vector with
sz = cellfun(@(x)size(x,2), A);
Which will return (for the above example)
sz = [ 3 4 5]
Now you can find the shortest vector:
minLength = min(sz);
And finally, make all vectors this length:
B = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)x(1:minLength), A, 'uniformoutput', false))';
There may be more elegant ways (and note that cellfun
really is doing "implicit looping")
Applying this to your (now expanded) example, you could probably assign the output of importfile
directly to the cell array - or you can do it as a separate line:
A = {Seconds,Sensor1VStatic,Sensor2VPulsed,TemperatureC,RelativeHumidity};
But it all becomes a lot of work. Instead you could do:
minLength = min(size(Seconds,1), size(Sensor1VStatic,1), size(Sensor2VPulsed,1), ...
Seconds = Seconds(1:minLength);
There is scope for some cleverness but it won't make things more readable, and it won't save time in the long run...