我被困在我正在从事的项目中使用 .NET 3.5。我遇到了一个小而烦人的协方差问题。这与我目前的模式相似:

public interface ISupportSomething<T> where T : struct
    T StructProperty { get; set; }

public class SupportSomething : ISupportSomething<int>
    public int StructProperty { get; set; }

public static class ISupportSomethingExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<ISupportSomething<T>> Method<T>
            (this IEnumerable<ISupportSomething<T>> collection)
        return null;

public class SupportTester
    private void SomeMethod()
        IEnumerable<SupportSomething> source;

        // invalid, i would generally fix this with a covariant
        // declaration: ISupportSomething<out T>
        var methodResult1 = source.Method();

        // valid
        var methodResult2 = source.Cast<ISupportSomething<int>>().Method();

        // this means that if i want to make a function that
        // returns an IEnumerable<SupportSomething> that
        // has called ISupportSomethingExtensions.Method i
        // have to do this cast back and forth approach


    // here is a similar function to what i have that showcases the ugliness
    // of calling this extension method
    private IEnumerable<SupportSomething> SomeFunction()
        IEnumerable<SupportSomething> source;

        var tempSourceList = source.Cast<ISupportSomething<int>>();

        tempSourceList = tempSourceList.Method();

        return tempSourceList; // invalid
        return tempSourceList.Cast<SupportSomething>(); //valid

我的问题相当简单,我想我已经知道答案了,但是:有没有办法,使用 .NET 3.5,在处理这些对象时不必来回转换(参见最后一个函数)?

我猜我运气不好,不得不这样做,因为在 .NET 4.0 之前没有对协方差的通用支持。


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public static class ISupportSomethingExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<T1> Method<T1, T2>
            (this IEnumerable<T1> collection)
        where T1 : ISupportSomething<T2>
        where T2 : struct
        return null;



private IEnumerable<SupportSomething> SomeFunction()
    IEnumerable<SupportSomething> source = Enumerable.Empty<SupportSomething>();

    return source.Method<SupportSomething, int>();
于 2013-08-28T17:50:40.687 回答