我认为您编写它的方法开销太大,虽然增加 max_execution_time 会有所帮助,但并不是每个人都能够修改他们的服务器设置。这个简单的事情将 15000 字节的 lorum ipsum 文本(2k 字)分成 1000 个字符段。我认为它会做得更好,因为执行时间相当快。
//Define variables, Set $x as int(1 = true) to start
$chapter = ("15000 bytes of Lorum Ipsum Here");
$sections = array();
$x = 1;
//Start Splitting
while( $x ) {
//Get current length of $chapter
$len = strlen($chapter);
//If $chapter is longer than 1000 characters
if( $len > 1000 ) {
//Get Position of last space character before 1000
$x = strrpos( substr( $chapter, 0, 1000), " ");
//If $x is not FALSE - Found last space
if( $x ) {
//Add to $sections array, assign remainder to $chapter again
$sections[] = substr( $chapter, 0, $x );
$chapter = substr( $chapter, $x );
//If $x is FALSE - No space in string
} else {
//Add last segment to $sections for debugging
//Last segment will not have a space. Break loop.
$sections[] = $chapter;
//If remaining $chapter is not longer than 1000, simply add to array and break.
} else {
$sections[] = $chapter;