this is for my college course and the deadline is in 2 days and i still have to finish the program test the code and also evaluate before then.
Below is the routine code.
public static string getValidString(string prompt, int maxLength)
bool valid = false;
//The paramter valid is set as a boolean and is set to false.
//It is set as a boolean because it is a small data type and
//only needs to have true or false
string tempData = "";
do // Do while loop is repetition and carries on doing it until the condition becomes true
Console.Write(prompt + " ?");
tempData = Console.ReadLine();
if (tempData == "")
displayMessage("You have not entered any data, please try again");
else if (tempData.Length < 3)
displayMessage("You have not entered text longer than 3, please try again");
else if (tempData.Any(c => char.IsDigit(c)))
displayMessage("You have not entered text, please try again");
else if (tempData.Length > maxLength)
displayMessage("Name too long it must be 20 or less, please try again");
valid = true;
while (valid == false);
return tempData;
And the code in my program which has the error attached is below. How do I fix this? Thank you
private void btncustCont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtName.Text = custName[numCust];
txtPhoneNumber.Text = custPhone[numCust];
string sError = "";
sError = routine.getValidString("Customer Name", txtName.Text, 3, 30);
sError += routine.getValidString("Customer Phone Number", txtPhoneNumber.Text, 3, 30);
if (sError != "")
MessageBox.Show(sError, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
if (sError == "")
grpPrint.Enabled = true;