我希望创建一个处理父子对象关系的向导或多步骤表单。第 1 步创建父对象,然后第 2 步创建第一个子对象。


    public class Company
      public int ID{get;set;}
      public string CompanyName{get;set;}
      public virtual List<Employee> Employees{get;set;}
    public class Employee
      public int ID{get;set;}
      public string EmployeeName{get;set;}
      public Company EmployeeCompany{get;set;}
      public int CompanyID {get;set;}

目标是创建一个两步表单,首先获取公司信息,然后获取员工信息。我将如何设置我的控制器来处理这个问题?我是否为公司设置了两个操作结果,为员工设置了两个操作结果。其中一个 actionresult 返回一个空白/空表单,而第二个 actionresult 处理 HttpPost actionresult。

    ActionResult CreateCompany()
      //Send back a blank view to create the company
      return View();
    ActionResult CreateCompany(Company comp)
       //Check comp.id to determine if it is add or update then save changes via entity framework
       //Use newly created ID from database for next step
       Return CreateEmployee(comp.id)
    ActionResult CreateEmployee(int companyid)
       //This is where I get stuck
       //Do I create a new employee object and set the companyid
       return View(); //Blank CreateEmployee View
    ActionResult CreateEmployee(Employee employee)
       //Add employee to company and save the company via entity framework
       //Send to next page or next step of wizard

我最好为此使用部分视图吗?也许做一些 jquery/ajax 来发布创建公司并显示创建员工?


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