* @select values from table
* @access public
* @param string $table The name of the table
* @param array $fieldlist Fields to return in results, defaults null
* @param array $criteria Search criteria by keyed by fieldname
* @param int $limit Limit of records to return, defaults 10
* @return Array on success or throw PDOException on failure
public function dbSearch($table, $fieldList = null, $criteria = null, $limit = 10)
// setup $this->db to point to a PDO instance
// build fieldlist
if( is_null($fieldList) OR !is_array($fieldList) OR count($fieldList) == 0) {
$returnFields = '*';
} else {
$returnFields = "'".implode("', '", $fieldList)."'";
// build criteria
if( is_null($criteria) OR !is_array($criteria) OR count($criteria) == 0) {
$whereClause = '';
} else {
$whereClause = array();
foreach ($criteria as $key => $value){
$bind_name = 'bind_'.$key; //generate a name for bind1, bind2, bind3...
$$bind_name = $value; //create a variable with this name with value in it
$bind_names[] = & $$bind_name; //put a link to this variable in array
$whereClause[] = "'$key' = :$bind_name";
$whereClause = count($whereClause) > 0 ? ' WHERE '.implode( ' AND ' , $whereClause ) : '';
$sql = "SELECT $returnFields FROM '$table' $whereClause LIMIT $limit";
$stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql);
if( $whereClause != '') {
call_user_func_array(array(&$stmt, 'bindParam'), $bind_names);
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// look for users in database...
$user_recs = $crud->dbSearch('user', array('user_name'), array('user_name'=> $_POST['username']));
$users = $user_recs->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);