
GNU Make 手册似乎没有那么精确。根据该文档为 makefile 编写解析器需要一些猜测和反复试验。

我还在ANTLR mail list 上发现了一个类似的问题。但它仍然没有回答哪种暗示答案......


2 回答 2


似乎 gnu make 没有官方语法,并且...

为 make 编写语法会很棘手,因为语法非常依赖于上下文。

正如 Paul D. Smith 在gnu make mailing list 中的消息中所说。Paul D. Smith 是 gnu make 的官方维护者。

于 2013-08-28T15:06:52.250 回答

我为自己制作了 GNU Make 的语法,您可以在下面找到 lexer 的语法和概述。它并不完美,但它可以作为想要更好的人的起点。一些附加和背景信息在帖子中。



/* Assign lower precedence to NL. */
/* %precedence NL */
/* %precedence COMMENT "ifdef" "ifndef" "ifeq" "ifneq" */

  1  makefile: statements "end of file"
  2          | "end of file"

  3  statements: br
  4            | statement
  5            | statements br
  6            | statements statement

  7  conditional: if_eq_kw condition statements_opt "endif" comment_opt br
  8             | if_eq_kw condition statements_opt "else" statements_opt "endif" comment_opt br
  9             | if_eq_kw condition statements_opt "else" conditional
 10             | if_def_kw identifier statements_opt "endif" comment_opt br
 11             | if_def_kw identifier statements_opt "else" statements_opt "endif" comment_opt br
 12             | if_def_kw identifier statements_opt "else" conditional

 13  conditional_in_recipe: if_eq_kw condition recipes_opt "endif" comment_opt
 14                       | if_eq_kw condition recipes_opt "else" recipes_opt "endif" comment_opt
 15                       | if_eq_kw condition recipes_opt "else" conditional_in_recipe
 16                       | if_def_kw identifier recipes_opt "endif" comment_opt
 17                       | if_def_kw identifier recipes_opt "else" recipes_opt "endif" comment_opt
 18                       | if_def_kw identifier recipes_opt "else" conditional_in_recipe

 19  condition: '(' expressions_opt ',' expressions_opt ')'
 20           | SLIT SLIT

 21  define: "define" pattern definition "endef" br
 22        | specifiers "define" pattern definition "endef" br
 23        | "define" pattern ASSIGN_OP definition "endef" br
 24        | specifiers "define" pattern ASSIGN_OP definition "endef" br

 25  definition: comment_opt br
 26            | comment_opt br exprs_in_def br

 27  include: "include" expressions br

 28  statements_opt: comment_opt br
 29                | comment_opt br statements

 30  if_def_kw: "ifdef"
 31           | "ifndef"

 32  if_eq_kw: "ifeq"
 33          | "ifneq"

 34  statement: COMMENT
 35           | assignment br
 36           | function br
 37           | rule
 38           | conditional
 39           | define
 40           | include
 41           | export br

 42  export: "export"
 43        | "unexport"
 44        | assignment_prefix
 45        | assignment_prefix WS targets

 46  assignment: pattern ASSIGN_OP comment_opt
 47            | pattern ASSIGN_OP exprs_in_assign comment_opt
 48            | assignment_prefix ASSIGN_OP comment_opt
 49            | assignment_prefix ASSIGN_OP exprs_in_assign comment_opt

 50  assignment_prefix: specifiers pattern

 51  specifiers: "override"
 52            | "export"
 53            | "unexport"
 54            | "override" "export"
 55            | "export" "override"
 56            | "undefine"
 57            | "override" "undefine"
 58            | "undefine" "override"

 59  expressions_opt: %empty
 60                 | expressions

 61  expressions: expression
 62             | expressions WS expression

 63  exprs_nested: expr_nested
 64              | exprs_nested WS expr_nested

 65  exprs_in_assign: expr_in_assign
 66                 | exprs_in_assign WS expr_in_assign

 67  exprs_in_def: first_expr_in_def
 68              | br
 69              | br first_expr_in_def
 70              | exprs_in_def br
 71              | exprs_in_def WS expr_in_recipe
 72              | exprs_in_def br first_expr_in_def

 73  first_expr_in_def: char_in_def expr_in_recipe
 74                   | function expr_in_recipe
 75                   | char_in_def
 76                   | function

 77  exprs_in_recipe: expr_in_recipe
 78                 | exprs_in_recipe WS expr_in_recipe

 79  expression: expression_text
 80            | expression_function

 81  expr_nested: expr_text_nested
 82             | expr_func_nested

 83  expr_in_assign: expr_text_in_assign
 84                | expr_func_in_assign

 85  expr_in_recipe: expr_text_in_recipe
 86                | expr_func_in_recipe

 87  expression_text: text
 88                 | expression_function text

 89  expr_text_nested: text_nested
 90                  | expr_func_nested text_nested

 91  expr_text_in_assign: text_in_assign
 92                     | expr_func_in_assign text_in_assign

 93  expr_text_in_recipe: text_in_recipe
 94                     | expr_func_in_recipe text_in_recipe

 95  expression_function: function
 96                     | '(' exprs_nested ')'
 97                     | expression_text function
 98                     | expression_function function

 99  expr_func_nested: function
100                  | '(' exprs_nested ')'
101                  | expr_func_nested function
102                  | expr_text_nested function

103  expr_func_in_assign: function
104                     | expr_func_in_assign function
105                     | expr_text_in_assign function

106  expr_func_in_recipe: function
107                     | expr_func_in_recipe function
108                     | expr_text_in_recipe function

109  function: VAR
110          | "$(" function_name ")"
111          | "$(" function_name WS arguments ")"
112          | "$(" function_name ',' arguments ")"
113          | "$(" function_name ':' expressions ")"
114          | "$(" function_name ASSIGN_OP expressions ")"

115  function_name: function_name_text
116               | function_name_function

117  function_name_text: function_name_piece
118                    | function_name_function function_name_piece

119  function_name_piece: CHARS
120                     | function_name_piece CHARS

121  function_name_function: function
122                        | function_name_text function

123  arguments: %empty
124           | argument
125           | arguments ','
126           | arguments ',' argument

127  argument: expressions

128  rule: targets colon prerequisites NL
129      | targets colon prerequisites recipes NL
130      | targets colon assignment NL

131  target: pattern

132  pattern: pattern_text
133         | pattern_function

134  pattern_text: identifier
135              | pattern_function identifier

136  pattern_function: function
137                  | pattern_text function
138                  | pattern_function function

139  prerequisites: %empty
140               | targets

141  targets: target
142         | targets WS target

143  recipes: recipe
144         | recipes recipe

145  recipes_opt: comment_opt NL
146             | comment_opt recipes NL

147  recipe: LEADING_TAB exprs_in_recipe
148        | NL conditional_in_recipe
149        | NL COMMENT

150  identifier: CHARS
151            | ','
152            | '('
153            | ')'
154            | identifier CHARS
155            | identifier keywords
156            | identifier ','
157            | identifier '('
158            | identifier ')'

159  text: char
160      | text char

161  text_nested: char_nested
162             | text_nested char_nested

163  text_in_assign: char_in_assign
164                | text_in_assign char_in_assign

165  text_in_recipe: char_in_recipe
166                | text_in_recipe char_in_recipe

167  char: CHARS
168      | SLIT
169      | ASSIGN_OP
170      | ':'

171  char_nested: char
172             | ','

173  char_in_assign: char_nested
174                | '('
175                | ')'
176                | keywords

177  char_in_def: char
178             | '('
179             | ')'
180             | ','
181             | COMMENT
182             | "include"
183             | "override"
184             | "export"
185             | "unexport"
186             | "ifdef"
187             | "ifndef"
188             | "ifeq"
189             | "ifneq"
190             | "else"
191             | "endif"
192             | "define"
193             | "undefine"

194  char_in_recipe: char_in_assign
195                | COMMENT

196  keywords: "include"
197          | "override"
198          | "export"
199          | "unexport"
200          | "ifdef"
201          | "ifndef"
202          | "ifeq"
203          | "ifneq"
204          | "else"
205          | "endif"
206          | "define"
207          | "endef"
208          | "undefine"

209  br: NL
210    | LEADING_TAB

211  colon: ':'
212       | ':' ':'

213  comment_opt: %empty
214             | COMMENT


  • 所有的'和几乎所有的"引号都是文字。
  • ')' ::= <unpaired )>
  • '}' ::= <unpaired }>
  • "$(" ::= "$(" | "${"– 扩张的开始
  • ")" ::= ")" | "}"– 扩展的结束
  • "end of file" ::= <end of file>
  • COMMENT ::= <# comment (can be multiline)>
  • ASSIGN_OP ::= "=" | "?=" | ":=" | "::=" | "+=" | "!="
  • CHARS ::= <sequence of non-whitespace>
  • WS ::= <sequence of whitespace>
  • NL ::= "\n" | "\r" | "\r\n"
  • VAR ::= /\$./
  • SLIT ::= <single- or double-quote literal>
  • LEADING_TAB ::= <tabulation at the first position in a line (eats NL)>


)展开式 (或) 的不成对闭合部分}就是它们本身。虽然$(...)or的内容${...}永远不是关键字。






我猜make它在管理状态的同时读取输入并同时处理它,这样它在每一点都知道它接下来可以接受什么样的输入以及如何处理它。正式语言倾向于与上下文无关,这意味着它们不会保留太多关于其状态的记录。正是这种差距使得 's 语言很难形式化make,即使在没有语法的情况下实现它仍然是可能的。

于 2019-02-28T17:03:05.730 回答