我在 Qml 文件中有一个下拉菜单,例如...

 DropDown {

                enabled: true
                // text only
                Option {
                    text: "EUR/USD"



我的数据库读取功能就像... QList DatabaseOperations::readRecords(QString tableName){

QList<QString> sym_ID_List;
  // 1. Get the local DB connection. Note, called database()
  //    Will automatically open a connection to the database
     QSqlDatabase database = QSqlDatabase::database(); // opens the default database.

  // 2. Create a query to search for the records
     QSqlQuery query(database);
     const QString sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM "+tableName;

     if (query.exec(sqlQuery)) {

         // Get the field indexes. We know the order of the fields, and could skip this step.
         // However this will still work if the fi changeldse order in the query string.
         const int customerIDField = query.record().indexOf("SymbolId");

         // 3. Start navigating through the records by calling the 'next' function.
        //     When there are no longer any records it will return false.
         int recordsRead = 0;
         while (query.next()) {
             // 4. Access the data (stored in the query) via the field indexes
             //    and add the data to the model.


         qDebug() << "Read " << recordsRead << " records succeeded";
         if (recordsRead == 0) {
            // alert(tr("The customer table is empty."));
     } else {
        // alert(tr("Read records failed: %1").arg(query.lastError().text()));

     // 6. Optionally close the database connection if we no longer plan to use it
     return sym_ID_List;






1 回答 1


那么,您需要做的第一件事就是将您的 QML Dropdown 暴露给 C++。这是通过对象名称属性 ala 完成的:

DropDown {
    objectName: "myDropDown"
    Option {
        text: "EUR/USD"

接下来,从你的 C++ 中找到这个孩子:

QmlDocument *qml =  QmlDocument::create("asset:///my.qml");
Container *root = qml->createRootObject<bb::cascades::Container>(); //or whatever the root control is
DropDown *dropDown = root->findChild<DropDown*>("myDropDown");

最后,从 QList 添加选项:

foreach (QString string, list) {
于 2013-08-28T13:06:16.457 回答