I have the following views defined:

dsplit_base - a union of 4 queries each of which is a simple join between fact and mapping tables (contains call statistics); it consists of 201 columns

calls_check - a view derived from the dsplit_base meant to be used in data consistency check. Here is the definition:

SELECT a.Brand,
       a.[Call Center] ,
       COUNT(*) vol,
       cast((COUNT(*)-g.vol) AS real)/g.vol*100 vol_diff ,
       SUM(abncalls+acdcalls) calls ,
           WHEN g.calls<>0 THEN cast((SUM(abncalls+acdcalls)-g.calls) AS real)/g.calls*100
           ELSE CASE
                    WHEN SUM(abncalls+acdcalls)<>0 THEN 100
                    ELSE 0
       END calls_diff
FROM dsplit_base a
JOIN calendar c ON a.ROW_DATE=c.date
  ( SELECT t.Brand,
           t.[Call Center],
           avg(cast(vol AS bigint)) vol,
           AVG(cast(calls AS bigint)) calls
     ( SELECT Brand,
              [Call Center], row_date, COUNT(*) vol, SUM(abncalls+acdcalls) calls from dsplit_base group by ROW_DATE, [Call Center],
              Brand ) t
   JOIN calendar c ON t.row_date=c.date
   GROUP BY c.weekday,
            t.[Call Center],
            t.Brand) g ON c.weekday=g.weekday
AND a.Brand=g.Brand
AND a.[Call Center]=g.[Call Center]
GROUP BY c.date,
         a.[Call Center],

The following query yields around 16000 rows in 1-3 seconds:

    select * from calls_check

Brand   Call Center date    weekday     vol vol_diff    calls   calls_diff
LMN Munich      2008-01-24  Thursday    3   -25     470 8.796296
LMN Munich      2008-04-26  Saturday    3   0       352 51.72414

Now the actual problem I encountered is when I tried to pull out results for limited period of time. By adding where clause as follows the query will not finish (surely not in ~10 minutes):

    select * from calls_check
    where date >= DATEADD(d, -8, sysdatetime())

And, what is maybe even weirder, this query executes successfully in a second!

    select * from calls_check
    where date < DATEADD(d, -8, sysdatetime())

Can anybody tell why comparison operator in where clause makes such a difference? Why < seems to very efficiently slice the result set while > or = makes the query unresponsive?

Some additional info:

The dsplit_base view consists of 4 tables union (with joins). Here are their row counts:

dsplit_DE - 2521

dsplit_WNS - 7243

dsplit_US - 121451

partners - 377841 (166043)

actual 'partners' table row count is 166043 because in the view it takes rows on this condition:

from partners p join splitdim s 
ON p.[Skill Name]=s.SPLITNAME and (p.Date>=s.[start_date] or s.[start_date] is null) and (p.DATE<=s.[end_date] or s.[end_date] is null)
where s.[Call center] IN ('Sitel', 'TRX', 'Sellbytel') 
OR (s.[Call center]='WNS' and p.Date<(select MIN(row_Date) from dsplit_WNS))
OR (s.[Call Center]='Munich' and (p.Date<'2012-06-29' or p.Date between '2012-08-01' and '2012-08-27'))

I experimented with modified view definition and found out that:

having the view with dsplit_DE and/or dsplit_WNS only both queries work pretty fast (1-2 seconds)

with partners only the '>=' query took ~30s ; with dsplit_US only it took ~60s

here is the actual execution plan of the latter EXEC PLAN

The last two table are much bigger than others yet with a few hundred thousands of records it should not take so long. What causes the difference in execution time depenending on '<' or '>' operator used in where clause?


1 回答 1


据我所知<>=是不同的 例如 ,如果 x <4,X 的值将小于 4 或 3,2,1 ...同时,如果 x >=4,X 的值将是 4 ,5,6..... 意思是说它们产生不同的结果,也许背后的原因是

     select * from calls_check
where date < DATEADD(d, -8, sysdatetime())



 select * from calls_check
    where date >= DATEADD(d, -8, sysdatetime())




于 2013-08-28T09:18:53.143 回答