Services like AddThis go into superficial detail about how their services work, but I would be really grateful to hear some insight into how this is actually working.

If this is an inappropriate forum to ask this question in, feel free to yell at me - I'm trying to get a handle on how to detect when users are interacting with their address bar, but am hitting a solid brick wall. Thanks for your time!


1 回答 1


当页面在没有附加到 URL 的哈希“标签”的情况下加载时,AddThis 代码会生成一个新的、唯一的并将其附加到 URL。如果用户剪切并粘贴 URL,在其他论坛(如 Twitter)中手动共享,则唯一标签会明确标识哪个用户(假设他/她可以在第一页加载时检测到)以这种方式共享文章特定链接被其他人使用。正常的 AddThis 共享不包括哈希“标签”,因此手动共享与用户单击共享按钮是可区分的。

虽然我没有详细查看他们的实现(在 Web 浏览器中进行调试可能会产生很多洞察力),但我怀疑他们从服务器获取唯一 ID 以保证唯一性并将其与其他分析数据联系起来。

于 2013-08-28T02:17:22.327 回答