我的目标是解析一个大型 XML 文件,并根据 XML 数据将对象持久保存到数据库中,并快速完成。该操作需要是事务性的,以便在解析 XML 时出现问题或无法验证创建的对象时可以回滚。

我正在使用Grails Executor 插件来线程化操作。问题是我在服务中创建的每个线程都有自己的事务和会话。如果我创建 4 个线程并且 1 个失败,则未失败的 3 个会话可能已经刷新,或者它们将来可能会刷新。


还有一个额外的问题。有许多这样的 XML 文件需要解析,而且将来还会创建许多。其中许多 XML 文件包含的数据在解析时会创建一个与解析前一个 XML 文件时已经创建的对象相同的对象。在这种情况下,我需要引用现有对象。我isUnique为每个类添加了一个瞬态变量来解决这个问题。使用 Grails唯一约束不起作用,因为它没有考虑hasMany到我在此处的问题中概述的关系。

下面的例子与实物相比非常简单。我正在解析的 XML 文件包含具有许多属性的深层嵌套元素。


class Foo {
    String ver

    Set<Bar> bars
    Set<Baz> bazs
    static hasMany = [bars: Bar, bazs: Baz]

    boolean getIsUnique() {
    static transients = [

    static constraints = {
        ver(nullable: false)
            validator: { val, obj ->

class Bar {
    String name

    boolean getIsUnique() {
    static transients = [

    static constraints = {
            validator: { val, obj ->

class Baz {
    String name

    boolean getIsUnique() {
    static transients = [

    static constraints = {
            validator: { val, obj ->


import org.hibernate.Hibernate

class Util {
     * Gets the first instance of the domain class of the object provided that
     * is equal to the object provided.
     * @param obj
     * @return the first instance of obj's domain class that is equal to obj
    static def getFirstDuplicate(def obj) {
        def objClass = Hibernate.getClass(obj)
        objClass.getAll().find{it == obj}

     * Determines if an object is unique in its domain class
     * @param obj
     * @return true if obj is unique, otherwise false
    static def isUnique(def obj) {
        getFirstDuplicate(obj) == null

     * Validates all of an object's constraints except those contained in the
     * provided blacklist, then saves the object if it is valid.
     * @param obj
     * @return the validated object, saved if valid
    static def validateWithBlacklistAndSave(def obj, def blacklist = null) {
        def propertiesToValidate = obj.domainClass.constraints.keySet().collectMany{!blacklist?.contains(it)?  [it] : []}
        if(obj.validate(propertiesToValidate)) {
            obj.save(validate: false)

并想象 XML 文件“A”与此类似:

    <foo ver="1.0">
        <!-- Start bar section -->
        <bar name="bar_1"/>
        <bar name="bar_2"/>
        <bar name="bar_3"/>
        <bar name="bar_5000"/>

        <!-- Start baz section -->
        <baz name="baz_1"/>
        <baz name="baz_2"/>
        <baz name="baz_3"/>
        <baz name="baz_100000"/>

并想象 XML 文件“B”与此类似(与 XML 文件“A”相同,除了一个新bar添加的和一个新baz添加的)。在 XML 文件“A”之后解析 XML 文件“B”时,应创建三个新对象 1.) ABarname = bar_50012.) ABazname = baz_100001, 3.) AFoo与和等于所示内容ver = 2.0的列表,重用并且从 XML 文件的导入中已经存在:barsbazsBarBazA

    <foo ver="2.0">
        <!-- Start bar section -->
        <bar name="bar_1"/>
        <bar name="bar_2"/>
        <bar name="bar_3"/>
        <bar name="bar_5000"/>
        <bar name="bar_5001"/>

        <!-- Start baz section -->
        <baz name="baz_1"/>
        <baz name="baz_2"/>
        <baz name="baz_3"/>
        <baz name="baz_100000"/>
        <baz name="baz_100001"/>


class BigXmlFileUploadService {

    // Pass in a 20MB XML file
    def upload(def xml) {
        String rslt = null
        def xsd = Util.getDefsXsd()
        if(Util.validateXmlWithXsd(xml, xsd)) { // Validate the structure of the XML file
            def fooXml = new XmlParser().parseText(xml.getText()) // Parse the XML

            def bars = callAsync { // Make a thread for creating the Bar objects
                def bars = []
                for(barXml in fooXml.bar) { // Loop through each bar XML element inside the foo XML element
                    def bar = new Bar( // Create a new Bar object
                        name: barXml.attribute("name")
                    bar = retrieveExistingOrSave(bar) // If an instance of Bar that is equal to this one already exists then use it
                    bars.add(bar) // Add the new Bar object to the list of Bars
                bars // Return the list of Bars

            def bazs = callAsync { // Make a thread for creating the Baz objects
                def bazs = []
                for(bazXml in fooXml.baz) { // Loop through each baz XML element inside the foo XML element
                    def baz = new Baz( // Create a new Baz object
                        name: bazXml.attribute("name")
                    baz = retrieveExistingOrSave(baz) // If an instance of Baz that is equal to this one already exists then use it
                    bazs.add(baz) // Add the new Baz object to the list of Bazs
                bazs // Return the list of Bazs

            bars = bars.get() // Wait for thread then call Future.get() to get list of Bars
            bazs = bazs.get() // Wait for thread then call Future.get() to get list of Bazs

            def foo = new Foo( // Create a new Foo object with the list of Bars and Bazs
                ver: fooXml.attribute("ver")
                bars: bars
                bazs: bazs

            rslt = "Successfully uploaded ${xml.getName()}!"
        } else {
            rslt = "File failed XSD validation!"

    private def retrieveExistingOrSave(def obj, def existingObjCache) {
        def dup = Util.getFirstDuplicate(obj)
        obj = dup ?: Util.validateWithBlacklistAndSave(obj, ["isUnique"])
        if(obj.errors.allErrors) {
            log.error "${obj} has errors ${obj.errors}"
            throw new RuntimeException() // Force transaction to rollback



2 回答 2



首先,Hibernate 会话不是线程安全的

Session 是一个廉价的、非线程安全的对象,应该使用一次然后丢弃:单个请求、对话或单个工作单元。...

其次,我认为并行执行 SQL 查询不会带来太多好处。我查看了PostgreSQL 的 JDBC 驱动程序是如何工作的,并且所有实际运行查询的方法都是synchronized.

您正在做的最慢的部分可能是 XML 处理,因此我建议将其并行化并在单个线程上执行持久性。您可以创建多个工作人员来读取 XML 并将对象添加到某种队列中。然后让另一个拥有 Session 并在解析对象时保存对象的工作人员。

您可能还想查看 Hibernate 的批处理文档页面。每次插入后冲洗并不是最快的方法。

最后,我不知道您的对象是如何映射的,但您可能会在保存所有子对象Foo 后遇到问题。将对象添加到foo的集合将导致 Hibernate 为foo_id每个对象设置引用,并且您最终会为您插入的每个对象提供更新查询。你可能想foo先做,baz.setFoo(foo)然后在每次插入之前做。

于 2013-08-28T02:41:09.533 回答


  • 我同意@takteek,解析 xml 会很耗时。因此,计划使该部分异步。
  • 您不需要flush每次创建子对象。请参阅下面的优化。


// Pass in a 20MB XML file
def upload(def xml) {
    String rslt = null
    def xsd = Util.getDefsXsd()
    if (Util.validateXmlWithXsd(xml, xsd)) {
        def fooXml = new XmlParser().parseText(xml.getText())

        def foo = new Foo().save(flush: true)

        def bars = callAsync {
            saveBars(foo, fooXml)

        def bazs = callAsync {
            saveBazs(foo, fooXml)

        //Merge the detached instances and check whether the child objects
        //are populated or not. If children are 
        //Can also issue a flush, but we do not need it yet
        //By default domain class is validated as well.
        foo = bars.get().merge() //Future returns foo
        foo = bazs.get().merge() //Future returns foo

        //Merge the detached instances and check whether the child objects
        //are populated or not. If children are 
        //absent then rollback the whole transaction
        handleTransaction {
             if(foo.bars && foo.bazs){
                foo.save(flush: true)
            } else {
                //Else block will be reached if any of 
                //the children is not associated to parent yet
                //This would happen if there was a problem in 
                //either of the thread, corresponding
                //transaction would have rolled back 
                //in the respective sessions. Hence empty associations.

                //Set transaction roll-back only

                //Or throw an Exception and 
                //let handleTransaction handle the rollback
                throw new Exception("Rolling back transaction")

        rslt = "Successfully uploaded ${xml.getName()}!"
    } else {
        rslt = "File failed XSD validation!"

def saveBars(Foo foo, fooXml) {
    handleTransaction {
        for (barXml in fooXml.bar) {
            def bar = new Bar(name: barXml.attribute("name"))
        //Optional I think as session is flushed
        //end of method
        foo.save(flush: true)


def saveBazs(Foo foo, fooXml) {
    handleTransaction {
        for (bazXml in fooXml.baz) {
            def baz = new Baz(name: bazXml.attribute("name"))

        //Optional I think as session is flushed
        //end of method
        foo.save(flush: true)


def handleTransaction(Closure clos){
    try {
    } catch (e) {

    if (TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus().isRollbackOnly())
于 2013-08-28T03:04:15.477 回答