没有像我期望的那样传递 kwargs。这是我的代码(精简为仅包含线程代码):
from MyDatabaseScript import DB
class Trinity:
def __init__(self):
#lets split a thread off and work on connecting to the mysql server
pool = ThreadPool(processes=1) #establish the thread pool
#I want to pass 'self' as an arg to DB because the Trinity instance has class variables that I want to use
args, kwargs = (self,), {"host":"my.server.name", "user": "databaseuser", "passwd": "xxxxxxxxxxx", "db": "database name"}
async_result = pool.apply_async(DB(), args, kwargs) #create the thread pool call for the DB class with the kwargs
现在一切正常,我没有收到任何错误,但在 DB() 方面,我的代码看起来很简单,是这样的:
import MySQLdb
class DB:
def __init__( self, tms=None, **kwargs ):
print tms, kwargs
None {}