我需要 Python 中的电梯模拟器方面的帮助,但我没有太多经验。应该有一个用户输入的客户数量,这些客户具有随机的起始楼层和目的地楼层。现在我只是在编写电梯一直到顶部然后回到底部的简单策略。当我运行我的代码时,程序无限循环。我不知道为什么。另外,我不确定如何编写我的建筑物的输出方法,我想显示哪些客户有哪些楼层以及电梯访问了多少楼层。谢谢你的帮助。
import random
class Elevator(object):
def __init__(self, num_of_floors, register_list, direction = "up", cur_floor=1):
self.total_floors = num_of_floors
self.reg_list = register_list
self.floor = cur_floor
self.direct = direction
def move(self):
"""Moves the elevator one floor"""
if self.total_floors == self.floor:
self.direct = "down"
if self.direct == "up":
self.floor += 1
self.floor -= 1
def register_customer(self, customer):
def cancel_customer(self, customer):
class Building(object):
def __init__(self, num_of_floors, customer_list, elevator):
self.total_floors = num_of_floors
self.customers = customer_list
def run(self):
while elevator.floor != 0:
for customer in self.customers:
if elevator.floor == customer.on_floor:
customer.indicator = 1
elif elevator.floor == customer.going_floor:
customer.indicator = 0
customer.fin = 1
def output(self):
class Customer(object):
def __init__(self, ID, num_of_floors, cur_floor=0, dst_floor=0, in_elevator=0, finished=0):
self.ident = ID
self.indicator = in_elevator
self.fin = finished
cur_floor = random.randint(1, num_of_floors)
self.on_floor = cur_floor
dst_floor = random.randint(1, num_of_floors)
while dst_floor == cur_floor:
dst_floor = random.randint(1, num_of_floors)
self.going_floor = dst_floor
customer_count = int(input("How many customers are in the building?: "))
floor_count = int(input("How many floors does the building have?: "))
cus_list = []
for i in range(1, customer_count+1):
cus_list.append(Customer(i, floor_count))
elevator = Elevator(floor_count, cus_list)
building = Building(floor_count, cus_list, elevator)