我已经使用 JCuda 几个月了,我无法将多维数组从设备内存复制到主机内存。有趣的是,我在相反的方向上这样做没有问题(我可以使用多维数组调用我的内核,并且一切都使用正确的值)。
CUdeviceptr pointer_dev = new CUdeviceptr();
cuMemAlloc(pointer_dev, Sizeof.POINTER); // in this case, as an example, it's an array with one element (one thread), but it doesn't matter
// Invoke kernel with pointer_dev as parameter. Now it should contain some results
CUdeviceptr[] arrayPtr = new CUdeviceptr[1]; // It will point to the result
arrayPtr[0] = new CUdeviceptr();
short[] resultArray = new short[3]; // an array of 3 shorts was allocated in the kernel
cuMemAlloc(arrayPtr[0], 3 * Sizeof.SHORT);
cuMemcpyDtoH(Pointer.to(arrayPtr), pointer_dev, Sizeof.POINTER); // Its seems, using the debugger, that the value of arrayPtr[0] isn't changed here!
cuMemcpyDtoH(Pointer.to(resultArray), arrayPtr[0], 3 * Sizeof.SHORT); // Not the expected values in resultArray, probably because of the previous instruction
任何解决方法?我正在使用 CUDA Toolkit v5.0