我有这个大的 Ipad 项目。我可以毫无问题地使用本地化版本。然后我加了德语,一切都乱了套。现在我的本地化文件都不起作用。当我从我的 UITextfield 调用它们时 - 没有任何反应,除了它显示我尝试调用的参数名称。例如:

galleryDescription.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"txtGalleryIntro", @"" nil)];

无论我将 ipad 设置为哪种语言,结果现在都是“txtGalleryIntro”。

我试图撤销我最新的快照——跟我开玩笑。快照似乎不起作用,它只是使 xcode 崩溃。





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To days of stomach pains is over.

I decided to make a copy of my, now not working, app.

After more tries than I can think of, I did the following:

backup of localization folders in the project

Removed localization from the main storybord
removed all localization files from supporting files
removed localization folders from the project
Re-added localization to main storyboard.
Checked the three languages I need.
Moved the localization files back to the project folder.
Clean build folder
Remove app from iOS simulator
Run the app.

It works again.

It still does not make any sense to my, as to how added one more localization can mess everything up so much.

Well, that and I will never rely on snapshots again. Until I get time capsule, manual backup is the way to go. I was a fool not to add version control from the beginning. Lessons learned.


于 2013-08-28T12:45:39.200 回答