I am using Webalizer on ubuntu to generate apache access.log reports for my site. Webalizer just gives me the ip address from where my site was accessed. I want the domain names for the ip addresses that are retrieved.

Is there any way to get the domain names? Is there some other tool that I need to use? I tried using Awstats but my server admin told me not to because it changes access rights of various different files. I cannot use google analytics or piwik as well.

I tried nslookup but how can i use nslookup on the access.log file? I don't know how to do this. Can anyone help me out?


1 回答 1


如果您只想查看某个 IP 地址的注册域,请将 IP 地址复制并粘贴到 arin.net 的右上角字段中

如果您有一堆 IP 地址要查找,您可以使用其他网络分析软件产品 - 查看 Angelfish 软件。

于 2013-08-27T15:52:54.173 回答