I am using ArcGIS JSAPI version 3.5 on my side & Dojo version is 1.9.

Everything is working fine expect the Dojo accordion content pane.

I want to set custom height of accordion content pane.

What I have tried:

-I have set the property false in the code still it opens while its executing.(Please check the screen shot)

-Checked similar example on the web site (Programmatic example) Link:

-Checking the API reference on my side.

Still not able to understand that why default its opening..

Any help regarding this will be great!!!

My complete code is available on [http://jsfiddle.net/D9NDn/][2]



1 回答 1



<div id="closureSection" data-dojo-type="dijit/TitlePane"  title="Distance Measurement" data-dojo-props="title:'Distance Measurement', open:false">
     <div id="measurementDiv"></div>

<div id="dataLayerSection" data-dojo-type="dijit/TitlePane" title="Content Section 02" data-dojo-props="label:'Click to Expand', open:false">

<div id="mapLegendSection" data-dojo-type="dijit/TitlePane" title="Content Section 03" data-dojo-props="label:'Click to Expand',open:false">

<div id="disclaimerSection" data-dojo-type="dijit/TitlePane" data-dojo-Props="label:'Click to Expand',open:false" title="Content Section 04">


我将 ContentPanes 更改为 TitlePanes。您可以在 data-dojo-Probs 中声明 open:false


于 2013-08-28T08:13:26.807 回答