I have a Sharepoint web page that users are required to sign in to use additional features. Different features require different sign ins, so I have a link to a page listing the various sign ins and their descriptions. Because of this link, I wish to hide the "Sign In" provided by wssuc:Welcome; however, I still wish to display the "Welcome" provided by wssuc:Welcome after the user has signed in.
I've researched this and arrived at 2 possible solutions:
- Hide the "Sign In" using CSS in my code similar to this:
[CSS code added to master page]
.myWelcomeMenu {
[modified code in master]
<div class=”myWelcomeMenu”>
<wssuc:Welcome id=”IdWelcome” runat=”server” EnableViewState=”false”>
The problem with this is it will also hide the "Welcome" message.
- Modify welcome.ascx, but this affects other sites on the server.
Any suggestions?
Thanks, George