我正在学习 Clojure 并尝试实现一个简单的井字游戏(或 morpion)。但我正在努力避免任何 ref/atom/agent ...
- 我的板将是向量的向量([[:circle 0 :cross][:any :circle :empty][:cross :none :none]] 其中只有 :circle 和 :cross 值很重要)
- 我会有一个简单的基于文本的方法,它需要一个板并返回一个字符串
但是,每当我想实现一个图形面板时,我想知道我怎样才能做同样的事情。例如 :
我正在创建 javax.swing.JPanel 的一个实例(请不要关心这里使用的其他方法):
(defn make-board-panel "Builds the board JPanel, whose state is given by board argument, and turn-piece argument (must be either :circle or :cross, I mean the next value to set in the board)." [board turn-piece] {:pre ['morpion.core/is-board? board, 'morpion.core/is-a-player-piece? turn-piece]} (proxy [JPanel MouseListener] [] (paintComponent [g] (proxy-super paintComponent g) (paint-board-lines g) (paint-board board g) ) (mouseClicked [e] (if (and (abs-coord-in-cell? (.getX e)) (abs-coord-in-cell? (.getY e))) (let [cell-x (abs-coord-to-rel (.getX e)) cell-y (abs-coord-to-rel (.getY e))] ;; Here I compute the new board value ) nil ;; Here I wish I could return the new board value to the caller of make-board-panel, but this seems impossible ! ) ) (mouseEntered [e]) (mouseExited [e]) (mousePressed [e]) (mouseReleased [e]) ) )
- 但似乎我无法从 Panel 的 mouseClicked 事件中获取板的新值:除非我引入状态变量。
(由于 Igrapenthin 的评论,我试图改进,但我仍然失败了。)