using (CGLayer starLayer = CGLayer.Create (g, rect.Size)) {
// set fill to blue
starLayer.Context.SetFillColor (0f, 0f, 1f, 0.4f);
starLayer.Context.AddLines (myStarPoints);
starLayer.Context.AddQuadCurveToPoint(this.points [3].X, this.points [3].Y, this.points [2].X, this.points [2].Y);
starLayer.Context.AddQuadCurveToPoint(this.points [5].X, this.points [5].Y, this.points [4].X, this.points [4].Y);
starLayer.Context.FillPath ();
double width = Math.Abs((double)(this.points [1].X - this.points [0].X));
float prop = this.tmpimage.Size.Width / (float)width;
float height = (this.tmpimage.Size.Height / prop);
double centerteeth = (Math.Sqrt (Math.Pow ((this.points [4].X - this.points [2].X), 2.0) + Math.Pow ((this.points [4].Y - this.points [2].Y), 2.0))) / 2 - (width/2);
starLayer.Context.DrawImage (new RectangleF ((float)centerteeth + this.points[2].X, this.points [2].Y, (float)width, height), this.imagerotated.CGImage);
// draw the layer onto our screen
float starYPos = 5;
float starXPos = 5;
g.DrawLayer (starLayer, new PointF (starXPos, starYPos));