我们一直在团队中反复讨论个人开发人员使用功能分支、变基等的最佳流程。以下是我们提出的(来自一些邮件列表的输入),但似乎有点复杂的&有很多步骤。还有其他一些带有一些答案示例的 SO 问题看起来相似且更简单。
git checkout develop # all developer work is off of this branch
git pull --rebase # make sure local develop is up-to-date
git checkout -b my-nifty-feature-559876 # create your feature branch; I like to put Pivotal story ID in it for convenience; not required
# do your work, make sure all tests still pass, etc. COMMIT FREQUENTLY
git commit -m "First part of my nifty feature working; now on to the back-end."
# fetch latest remote develop and rebase your local feature branch on this.
git fetch
git rebase origin/develop
# Local feature branch now has latest origin/develop code as base
# repeat above 3 frequently as you're working
# when you're done, pull and rebase one last time, make sure tests pass, then final commit with Pivotal comment
git commit -m "It works! [Fixes #559876]" # commit when done. Include comment like that for Pivotal integration
git fetch
git rebase origin/develop
# Local feature branch now has latest origin/develop code as base
git checkout develop # switch back to develop
git pull
git merge my-nifty-feature-559876 # This should be a simple FF merge
git push origin develop # send to github
git branch -d my-nifty-feature-559876 # you can get rid of your feature branch