我已经实现了多个客户端和服务器。客户端以 2 分钟的固定间隔向服务器发送大小为 238 或 564 的 tcp 数据包。包的结构如下

1) 数据包头——44 字节 这个头大小不会改变,每个数据包都附带。

2) 标头之后有超过 1 个数据包,这些数据包的大小为 16 或 32 字节。这些数据包的数量随着从客户端到服务器的每个数据包而变化,这些数据包的数量决定了数据包的总大小(238 或 512)。

3) 最后 2 个字节是 crc,它也是固定不变的。



private void createserver(int no_of_clients)
        tcpListener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, Globals.port_number);

        for (int i = 0; i < no_of_clients; i++)
            Thread newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Listeners));
    } //End of createserver();

public void Listeners()
        Socket socketForClient;

            socketForClient = tcpListener.AcceptSocket();

        if (socketForClient.Connected)
            NetworkStream networkStream = new NetworkStream(socketForClient);

            int stream_size = 0;
            while (true)
                byte[] raw_stream = new byte[1024];

                        stream_size = networkStream.Read(raw_stream, 0, 1024);
                    catch (IOException e)
                        if (e.InnerException is SocketException)
                            MessageBox.Show("The client has disconnected");
                            foreach (Socket s in active_clients)
                                if (s == socketForClient)
                                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Client {0} has forcibly exited", s.RemoteEndPoint));
                                    infoBox1.Text = infoBox1.Text + "\r\n" + string.Format("Client {0} has forcibly exited", s.RemoteEndPoint);
                while (networkStream.DataAvailable);

                byte[] input_data = new byte[stream_size];
                byte[] input_data1 = new byte[stream_size];
                Array.Copy(raw_stream, 0, input_data, 0, stream_size);

                if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(input_data) != Globals.exit_code)
                  Datapackparser(input_data, input_data.Length, 0, socketForClient);

public static void Datapackparser(byte[] packet, int input_length, int indexno, Socket sk))
        //remove header and crc from end of packet since I know every time it will be same                     

          // for separating data packets and parsing them on basis of packet id which comes with every individual data packets 

            data_pkts_index = 44; // since data packets start at 44. 0-43 is header
            int size_1_data_pkts = 0;
            string pkt_ids = "";

            while (data_pkts_index < tcp_pkt_size - 2)
                // first 2 bytes of each data packet is size of that data packet 16 or 32
                size_1_data_pkts = Convert.ToInt32(string.Format(BitConverter.ToString(packet, data_pkts_index + 1, 1) +
                    BitConverter.ToString(packet, data_pkts_index, 1)), 16);
                // next 1 byte is packet id of each data packet on basis of which I parse them
                pkt_ids = Convert.ToInt32(packet[data_pkts_index + 2]).ToString("X");
                // this function is for parsing each data packet
                data_pkt_func(data_pkts_index, size_1_data_pkts, pkt_ids, packet, imei);
                data_pkts_index = data_pkts_index + size_1_data_pkts;time it will be same.


 static private void data_pkt_func(int ind, int size, string code_packet, byte[] pkt, string file1)
        byte[] pass_packet = new byte[size];
        Array.Copy(pkt, ind, pass_packet, 0, size);

        if (code = "a")
        { // one type of packet
        else if (code = "dsd")
        { // 2nd type of packet
        else if ......
       // like this their are 8-9 types of data packet

我面临的问题是这段代码能够在一定程度上正确解析数据包。例如,服务器接收到的前 10-11 个数据包被正确解析,但在该异常之后“源数组不够长。检查 srcIndex 和长度,以及数组的下限”在行抛出

   Array.Copy(pkt, ind, pass_packet, 0, size);

'size' 值突然跳到 4096


在 System.Array.Copy(数组 sourceArray,Int32 sourceIndex,数组 destinationArray,Int32 destinationIndex,Int32 长度,布尔可靠)

在 System.Array.Copy(数组 sourceArray,Int32 sourceIndex,数组 destinationArray,Int32 destinationIndex,Int32 长度)

在 WindowsFormsApplication1\packet_parser.cs:line 357 中的 Packet_parsing.client_pkt_parsing.data_pkt_func(Int32 ind, Int32 size, String code_packet, Byte[] pkt, String file1)

在 WindowsFormsApplication1\packet_parser.cs:line 847 中的 Datapackparser(Byte[] packet, Int32 input_length, Int32 indexno, Socket sk)

在 WindowsFormsApplication1.Form1.Listeners() 在 \WindowsFormsApplication1\Form1.cs:line 385

在 System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(对象状态)

在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext,ContextCallback 回调,对象状态,布尔 ignoreSyncCtx)

在 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext,ContextCallback 回调,对象状态)

在 System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()



2 回答 2


好的,我发现问题出在客户端。由于客户端的一些错误,客户端在正确发送 10-12 个数据包后向数据包添加了额外的 0。我无法访问客户端,并且我根据给我的规范编写了我的服务器,因此我不知道这个错误,客户端开发人员也不知道这个错误。感谢所有答案。

于 2013-08-27T13:10:16.823 回答



于 2013-08-27T07:52:46.687 回答