I am running a Rails App and using mongoid. I have created Account as a Mongoid::Document in my rails app.
There is large amount of records in account document, I have added compound index to fast the queries. but the performance of the application is poor.
I tried to do explain on query the, but the indexOnly attribute is showing as false value.

Can anyone please let me know what is the best way to create a compound index.
How can I check that the query I have written is using the index properly?

Here is my Query

first_record = Account.where(column_1: 5, column_2: "xxxx", column_3: "xxxxxx", column_4: "xxxxxxxxxxx", column_5: "xxxxxxxxx")

first_record.explain() => {"cursor"=>"BtreeCursor provider_5_params_idx", "isMultiKey"=>false, "n"=>10320, "nscannedObjects"=>10320, "nscanned"=>10320, "nscannedObjectsAllPlans"=>10320, "nscannedAllPlans"=>10320, "scanAndOrder"=>false, "indexOnly"=>false, "nYields"=>317, "nChunkSkips"=>0, "millis"=>222464, "indexBounds"=>{"column_1"=>[[5, 5]], "column_2"=>[["xxxx", "xxxx"]], "column_3"=>[["xxxxx", "xxxxx"]], "column_4"=>[["pxxxx", "xxxxxxx"]], "column_5"=>[["xxxxxx", "xxxxxx"]]}, "allPlans"=>[{"cursor"=>"BtreeCursor provider_5_params_idx", "n"=>10320, "nscannedObjects"=>10320, "nscanned"=>10320, "indexBounds"=>{"column_1"=>[[5, 5]], "column_2"=>[["xxxx", "xxxx"]], "column_3"=>[["xxxx", "xxxx"]], "column_4"=>[["xxxx", "xxxxx"]], "column_5"=>[["xxxxx", "xxxxx"]]}}], "oldPlan"=>{"cursor"=>"BtreeCursor provider_5_params_idx", "indexBounds"=>{"column_1"=>[[5, 5]], "column_2"=>[["xxxx", "xxxx"]], "column_3"=>[["xxxxx", "xxxxx"]], "column_4"=>[["xxxx", "xxxxx"]], "column_5"=>[["xxxxx", "xxxxx"]]}}, "server"=>"xxxxxxxxx"}

Also I have created index with the following way.
db.account.ensureIndex({column_1:1,column_2:1,column_3:1,column_4:1,column_5:1}, {name:"provider_5_params_idx",background:true});


1 回答 1


您索引 column_1 两次是否是错字?

与计划类似,扫描了 10320 个对象的事实是索引不起作用。

于 2013-08-27T07:24:34.903 回答