

Product           Size    Purch. Qty    Lot Qty 
Addidas Shoe       8         30         25  
Addidas Shoe       9         15         25
Addidas Shoe      10         50         25
Puma Shoe          7         40         30  
Puma Shoe          8         60         30

我有 2 个产品 Addidas 鞋根据其 Lot qty 25 分为多行,Puma 鞋根据其 Lot qty 30 分为多行,如下所示。

批号 SL。没有产品尺寸数量
1000 1 阿迪达斯鞋 8 25
1001 1 阿迪达斯鞋 8 5
1001 2 阿迪达斯鞋 9 15
1001 3 阿迪达斯鞋 10 5
1002 1 阿迪达斯鞋 10 25
1003 1 阿迪达斯鞋 10 20
1004 1 彪马鞋 7 30
1005 1 彪马鞋 7 10
1005 2 彪马鞋 8 20
1006 1 彪马鞋 8 30
1007 1 彪马鞋 8 10

请帮我得到这个。我正在使用 Sql server 2005。


1 回答 1


我相信这不会给我很多支持,因为它很复杂,但这仍然是一项有趣的任务。我认为这可以通过游标方法来完成,但也可以通过递归 CTE 来完成。我将尝试使其尽可能具有可读性,outer apply在这里预先计算值肯定会有所帮助。

我已经修改了你的架构。我认为您必须存储Lot Qty在不同的表中,例如:

create table Products ([Product] varchar(12), [Lot Qty] int);
insert into Products
('Addidas Shoe', 25),
('Puma Shoe', 30);

你仍然可以存储Lot Qty在你的 Order 表中,但它没有被规范化。至于这个问题,我认为递归 CTE 可以在这里为您提供帮助:

with cte1 as (
       row_number() over(partition by c.[Product] order by c.size) as row_num,
       P.[Lot Qty]
   from CustOrder as c
       inner join Products as P on P.[Product] = c.Product
), cte2 as (
        c.Product, c.Size,
        0 as [Lot No],
        1 as [Sl. No],
        c.[Purch Qty] - c.[Lot Qty] as [Rem Qty],
        case when c.[Purch Qty] > c.[Lot Qty] then c.[Lot Qty] else c.[Purch Qty] end as Qty,
        case when c.[Purch Qty] > c.[Lot Qty] then c.row_num else c.row_num + 1 end as row_num2,
        c.[Lot Qty]
    from cte1 as c
    where c.row_num = 1

    union all

        c.Product, c.Size,
        CALC.[Lot No],
        CALC.[Sl. No],
        CALC.[Purch Qty] - CALC.[Lot Qty] as [Rem Qty],
        case when CALC.[Purch Qty] > CALC.[Lot Qty] then CALC.[Lot Qty] else CALC.[Purch Qty] end as Qty,
        case when CALC.[Purch Qty] > CALC.[Lot Qty] then c.row_num else c.row_num + 1 end as row_num2,
        c.[Lot Qty]
    from cte1 as c
        inner join cte2 as c2 on c2.row_num2 = c.row_num and c2.Product = c.product
        outer apply (
                 case when c2.[Rem Qty] < 0 then c2.[Lot No] else c2.[Lot No] + 1 end as [Lot No],
                 case when c2.[Rem Qty] < 0 then c2.[Sl. No] + 1 else 1 end as [Sl. No],
                 case when c2.[Rem Qty] < 0 and abs(c2.[Rem Qty]) < c.[Lot Qty] then abs(c2.[Rem Qty]) else c.[Lot Qty] end as [Lot Qty],
                 case when c2.[Rem Qty] > 0 and c2.[Rem Qty] < c.[Purch Qty] then c2.[Rem Qty] else c.[Purch Qty] end as [Purch Qty]
        ) as CALC

    999 + dense_rank() over(order by c.Product, c.[Lot No]) as [Lot No],
    c.[Sl. No],
    c.Product, c.Size, c.Qty
from cte2 as c
order by product, [Lot No]

sql fiddle demo


declare @Lot table (ItemSize int, Product varchar(20), Qty int)

declare @RemQty int = 0, @curQty int, @curLotQty int
declare @ItemSize int, @Product varchar(20), @Qty int, @lotQty int, @oldProduct varchar(20)

declare table_cursor cursor local fast_forward for    
       ItemSize, Product, Qty, lotQty
    from Custorders
    order by Product, Itemsize

open table_cursor
while 1 = 1
    if @RemQty <= 0
        fetch table_cursor into @ItemSize, @Product, @Qty, @lotQty
        if @@fetch_status <> 0 break

        if @oldProduct <> @Product or @oldProduct is null
            select @oldProduct = @Product
            select @RemQty = 0

    if @RemQty < 0 and abs(@RemQty) < @lotQty
        select @curLotQty = abs(@RemQty)
        select @curLotQty = @lotQty

    if @RemQty > 0 and @RemQty < @Qty
        select @curQty = @RemQty
        select @curQty = @Qty

    select @RemQty = @curQty - @curLotQty

    insert into @Lot 
    select @ItemSize, @Product, case when @curQty > @curLotQty then @curLotQty else @curQty end
close table_cursor
deallocate table_cursor

select * from @Lot order by Product, Itemsize

sql fiddle demo

于 2013-08-27T05:26:45.380 回答