char parsed_char;
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l, '(' >> qi::char_("0-9") >> ')', qi::space, parsed_char);
这将简单地将解析器组件的公开属性绑定到传递给可变参数解析 API ( ) 的属性引用( )。char_
下面是一个概括性的演示,展示了您可以通过多种方式影响确切暴露的内容。解析器指令记录了暴露的确切内容,例如这里的 '%' list parser。
qi::rule<Iterator, char()> character;
qi::rule<Iterator, char()> parenthesized;
character = qi::char_("0-9a-z_"); // or qi::alnum, qi::graph, qi::alpha etc...
parenthesized = '(' >> character >> ')';
请注意,重要的是,您需要说qi::rule<Iterator, char()>
而不是qi::rule<Iterator, char>
在 Coliru 上看到它:
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <cassert>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
template<typename ParseExpr, typename... Attr>
void test(const std::string& input, const ParseExpr& p, Attr&... attrs)
auto f = input.begin(),
l = input.end();
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l, p, qi::space, attrs...);
if (!ok)
std::cerr << "parse failed at: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
if (f!=l)
std::cerr << "trailing unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
int main()
char parsed_char1, parsed_char2;
int parsed_int;
std::string parsed_str;
test("( 0 )", // input
'(' >> qi::char_("0-9") >> ')', // parser/grammar
parsed_char1 // output
assert(parsed_char1 == '0');
test("( q 123 )",
'(' >> qi::graph >> qi::int_ >> ')',
assert(parsed_char1 == 'q');
assert(parsed_int == 123);
// parsing strings: with the skipper
test("( hello world )",
'(' >> *~qi::char_(")") >> ')',
parsed_str = "");
assert(parsed_str == "helloworld");
// parsing strings: qi::char_ exposes the char
test("( hello world )",
qi::char_('(') >> *~qi::char_(")") >> qi::char_(')'),
parsed_char1, parsed_str = "", parsed_char2);
assert(parsed_char1 == '(');
assert(parsed_str == "helloworld");
assert(parsed_char2 == ')');
// parsing strings: qi::char_ exposes the char, chars get 'combined' into attribute
test("( hello world )",
qi::char_('(') >> *~qi::char_(")") >> qi::char_(')'),
parsed_str = "");
assert(parsed_str == "(helloworld)");
// parsing strings: as a lexeme
test("( hello world )",
'(' >> qi::lexeme [ *~qi::char_(")") ] >> ')',
parsed_str = "");
assert(parsed_str == "hello world ");
// parsing strings: as bigger lexeme
test("( hello world )",
qi::lexeme [ '(' >> *~qi::char_(")") >> ')' ],
parsed_str = "");
assert(parsed_str == " hello world ");
// parsing anything as "raw" - exposes an iterator pair, but still 'converts' to a string!
test("( hello 42 false )",
qi::raw [ '(' >> qi::lexeme[*qi::graph] >> qi::int_ >> qi::bool_ >> ')' ],
parsed_str = "");
assert(parsed_str == "( hello 42 false )");
// note: this would fail to parse, because with the skipper, *qi::graph would eat "42 false )" as well:
std::cout << "next parse should fail:\n";
test("( hello 42 false )", qi::raw [ '(' >> *qi::graph >> qi::int_ >> qi::bool_ >> ')' ]);