这是 MySQL 的一个痛点。但是,这是可能的。逻辑是找到一个序列从哪里开始。您可以使用相关的子查询和一些算术来做到这一点。然后你想要开始的累积总和。这更难,因为它需要对相关子查询进行相关子查询。
select t.*,
(select 0
from t t2
where left(t2.field, 8) = left(t.field, 8) and
t2.field < t.field and
right(t2.field, 7) + 0 = right(t.field, 7) + 0 - 1
) as NullIfStart
from t;
select t.*
(select sum(NullIfStart is null)
from (select t1.*,
(select 0
from t t2
where left(t2.field, 8) = left(t1.field, 8) and
t2.field < t1.field and
right(t2.field, 7) + 0 = right(t1.field, 7) + 0 - 1
) as NullIfStart
from t t1
) tnis
where right(tnis.field, 7) = right(t.field, 7) and
tnis.field <= t.field
) grp
from t;
select min(field),
(case when max(field <> min(field) then max(field) end)
from (select t.*
(select sum(NullIfStart is null)
from (select t1.*,
(select 0
from t t2
where left(t2.field, 8) = left(t1.field, 8) and
t2.field < t1.field and
right(t2.field, 7) + 0 = right(t1.field, 7) + 0 - 1
) as NullIfStart
from t t1
) tnis
where left(tnis.field, 8) = left(t.field, 8) and
tnis.field <= t.field
) grp
from t
) s
group by left(s.field, 8), grp;