Yesterday I had a computercrash and now I need to reïnstall all of my programs. These programs also include Visual Studio 2012.

I knew there were a lot of updates (3, i guess) and I'm wondering what problems is possibly can have when I first install update 3, without installing update 1 or 2.

Should there be any bugs or regressions i should take account of? Update 3 is now installing and it's doing fine (no errors so far)


1 回答 1


Visual Studio 2012.3 也包括版本 1 和 2,否则安装程序会告诉您首先安装以前的版本。

对您来说没有问题,它就像 Windows 服务包,所以您不会有错误或回归。



Visual Studio 2012 更新是累积版本,其中包括以前版本中提供的新功能和修复。

于 2013-08-26T20:12:58.593 回答