我写这个是为了让我的应用程序可以通过 jboss install 安装。
public class JBossChecker {
private static boolean tempJBossEnv;
private static boolean tempJBossDirectoryExists;
static {
String s = System.getenv("JBOSS_HOME");
tempJBossEnv= (s!=null);
if( tempJBossEnv) {
File f = new File(s);
tempJBossDirectoryExists= ( f.exists() && f.isDirectory());
hasJBossEnv =tempJBossEnv;
hasJBossDir = tempJBossDirectoryExists;
public static boolean hasJBossDir;
public static boolean hasJBossEnv;
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("Jboss environment "+hasJBossEnv);
System.out.println("Jboss directory "+hasJBossDir);
<condition type="java" id="jbossEnv">
<returnvalue type="boolean">true</returnvalue>
<condition type="java" id="jbossDir">
<returnvalue type="boolean">true</returnvalue>
<installerrequirement condition="jbossEnv" message="Your system does not have the environment variable JBOSS_HOME set. Cannot update your system. Is XXXX installed on this system?" />
<installerrequirement condition="jbossDir" message="Your system does not have a directory at the location in the environement variable JBOSS_HOME . Cannot update your system. Is XXXX installed on this system?" />
<variable name="INSTALL_PATH" value="${ENV[JBOSS_HOME]}"/>
<jar src="c:\dev\xxxx\build\installer.jar" />
最后的位确保 izpack 将其添加到安装程序 jar 中。