With POIXMLProperties.getCoreProperties() and POIXMLProperties.getExtendedProperties()
I can set all the metadata values except "Last Modified By", Is there any way to set it?
Thanks for advance.
With POIXMLProperties.getCoreProperties() and POIXMLProperties.getExtendedProperties()
I can set all the metadata values except "Last Modified By", Is there any way to set it?
Thanks for advance.
我正在使用 POI 3.10-beta1,它适用于我,即您可以直接在以下位置进行设置PackageProperties
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.*;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.util.Nullable;
public class LastModifiedBy {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
OPCPackage opc = OPCPackage.open("lastmodifed.docx");
PackageProperties pp = opc.getPackageProperties();
Nullable<String> foo = pp.getLastModifiedByProperty();
pp.setModifiedProperty(new Nullable<Date>(new Date()));