I know that in Windows Form Application you can inherit a Form and in ASP.NET u can inherit a page but some big constraint exist: ASPX page is not compiled in the library.

I tried to embed a User Control in DLL but Design Time is not supported, also I tried to make a Custom Server Control but in the end you are inheriting a control not Page.

So the question is what is the way to make your own library of Template Pages that u can inherit and use in different projects with design support .

Thanks in advance


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在这里,我展示了如何创建可重复使用的页面模板。要在您的另一个网站或项目中使用您的模板,您必须右键单击项目Add -> New Item将出现添加新项目对话框。您可以使用Search Installed Templates选项并搜索您的模板,或者您可以单击对话框左侧面板上的Visual C#选项卡并找到您的Template

注意:如果您在添加新项目对话框中单击Visual C# -> Web ,您的模板可能不会出现。相反,您必须在Visual C#选项卡中搜索它。

于 2013-10-01T20:51:49.867 回答