I did find this piece of code (slightly edited):
var destinations:XML = <destinations>
<destination location="japan">
<placesOfInterest>Samurai History</placesOfInterest>
<destination location="australia">
<placesOfInterest>Surf and BBQ</placesOfInterest>
<destination location="peru">
//FILTER BY ATTRIBUTE NAME -------------------
var filteredByLocation:XMLList = destinations.destination.(@location == "japan");
trace("Attribute Name: "+filteredByLocation);
//FILTER BY NODE VALUE ----------------------
var filteredByExchangeRate:XMLList = destinations.destination.(exchangeRate < 200);
trace("Node Value: "+filteredByExchangeRate);
I'd like to know if it's possible to do the opposite. I mean, get everything but not the node with the attribute name.
Thanks in advance for your help.