Helo 伙计们,我只是 nodejs 和 redis 的新手,但我对使用 nodejs/express 在 redis 中插入数据一无所知。你能帮我或给我一个例子吗?谢谢 :*
~珍妮拉 :)
var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient();
// if you'd like to select database 3, instead of 0 (default), call
// client.select(3, function() { /* ... */ });
client.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("Error " + err);
client.set("string key", "string val", redis.print);
client.hset("hash key", "hashtest 1", "some value", redis.print);
client.hset(["hash key", "hashtest 2", "some other value"], redis.print);
client.hkeys("hash key", function (err, replies) {
console.log(replies.length + " replies:");
replies.forEach(function (reply, i) {
console.log(" " + i + ": " + reply);